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Head Coach & CEO

Calysta is Calysta Fulcher Training & Aesthetics head coach and founder. She started coaching in 2017 when her competing career started taking off and she took initiative to become more edcucated about helping others achieve their goals. Calysta is a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM, has a Weight Loss Specialist certification and held a nutrition certification. She has also been a Registered Nurse since 2011 and holds an ADN and BSN degrees respectively. Calysta is always looking to improve her knowledge and education to better support her clients and their success by attending seminars and additional certifications. 


Prior to coaching and competing herself, Calysta has always been a lifelong natural athlete. She ran track as well as being a competitive, D1 collegiate and professional cheerleader. She began competing in 2015 and earned her IFBB pro league status in 2018 by winning her class and the overall bikini title at NPC Universe. During her time in the NPC she had 4 overall titles and won her class 5 out of 8 shows. She is currently working up the ranks in the IFBB. During her 4 seasons competing professionally Calysta was earning points for the Olympia. Her final contest she was runner up for the Olympia! Retired now, she focuses on her clients success! 


Her goal and focus are always in the client’s best interest. Helping them achieve their personal success, reach their goals and find happiness in their bodies. She coaches her clients the way she would want to be coached herself. She takes clients life and lifestyle into great consideration. Health, short and long term, is also always at forefront for her. Every medical professional practice “do no harm” for their patients and she applies that to coaching her clients as well. The clients success is her success. 



Calysta Fulcher Training & Aesthetics, Assistant Lifestyle Coach

Growing up, Shannon was the “jock” of the family, always picking up new sports, instead of playing an instrument like her sisters and brother. She participated in soccer, swimming, track, and weightlifting. Her interest in sports and science lead her to studying sports medicine in college. She got her undergrad degree in Exercise Science and then a year later got her Masters in Athletic Training, both from St. Louis University. After passing her board of certification exam in 2015, she got a job in Biloxi, MS and was licensed to practice there. Then she met her husband, moved to a couple different states, and they are currently stationed in Minot, ND! Outside of athletic training, Shannon has also worked part time as a fitness instructor at a Planet Fitness while living in Shreveport, LA. 


Shannon has competed in the NPC since 2017, and has been coached by Calysta since August of 2019, first as a lifestyle client, and then as a prep client. Shannon competed in one regional show, and made her national debut with Calysta’s guidance during 2020. Recently, Shannon stepped away from her job as a full-time ATC in North Dakota, and is so excited about her new journey as a lifestyle coach for UppLift Training! Shannon is still a certified and licensed Athletic Trainer. 



Calysta Fulcher Training & Aesthetics, Assistant Lifestyle Coach

Brittany is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach and Bodybuilder. Growing up she was involved in multiple sports, but really got into the fitness space when she joined a Crossfit gym in 2015. A year later, she tore her MCL which left her feeling a bit lost and frustrated. After months of physical therapy, yoga and cycling she knew she had to find her passion for weightlifting again. Enter, bodybuilding.


She met Calysta mid 2021 and after much procrastination, started as a lifestyle client in October that same year. Initially, Brittany just wanted to get a greater understanding and grasp on her nutrition so that she could start seeing the results she was working so hard for in the gym. Then Brittany got the competition itch. She completed her first prep and stepped on stage April of 2023. After two shows, she placed in 8 out of 10 classes and she is currently working towards hitting the national stage in 2024.


As a lifestyle coach, it is Brittany’s goal to help clients create sustainable, long term habits and build confidence through fitness and nutrition. She has learned that our bodies are capable of so much and is motivated to show and educated her clients! She knows, if she can do it, so can you!



Calysta Fulcher Training & Aesthetics, Assistant Lifestyle Coach

I’m a full-time mama, part-time Customer Success Operations Manager, part-time health and wellness coach, full-time fitness and nutrition addict, and now the newest lifestyle coach for Calysta Fulcher Training & Aesthetics.


I was born & raised in and around Chicago, IL, city and suburbs. My husband, son, pup, and I recently bought a home in Arlington Heights, NW, Suburbs of Chicago. 


When I’m not working, you can find me enjoying time outdoors with my little man and pup, either frequenting a library or a new-to-us nature center. In addition, this mama LOVES food (primarily tacos), desserts, and finding new ways to introduce my picky little one to different foods. I’m always on the hunt for a tasty new recipe to try.


My desire to better understand my nutrition and fitness goals led me to hire a coach. After several interviews, I landed on Calysta in July 2023. Around that time, my son was ready to let go of nursing, and I wanted to make fitness a priority again. I began working with Calysta as a lifestyle client in July 2023. I loved working with her so much that I quickly realized I wanted to pay it forward and empower others, particularly mamas, to prioritize their health and fitness goals. 


As a mom, I have a soft spot in my heart for other moms who are looking to get a piece of themselves back by prioritizing filling their own cup and then pouring from it for the rest of their day. My goal for my clients goes beyond quickly shedding weight and is focused on developing sustainable long-term habits that will set them up for success. 

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