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I am beyond grateful to have come across Calysta. Though I am a beginner in the competition world, Calysta makes me feel I belong! Her feedback on check in days is always detailed & her response time is prompt! I instantly felt Calysta was a great choice for me as a coach. It’s been several weeks now, and I feel like I’ve gained muscle, a coach & an amazing team that I am proud to be a part of! - Jayla T.

After working with a couple different coaches I finally found a complete package working with Calysta! She is not only a great role model in truly living the lifestyle and practicing what she preaches, but she is also understanding and relatable to my struggles and areas for growth! She celebrates the wins and dropped the hammer when I needed the push. Communication is open and incredibly prompt. The most important part for me was finding a coach I felt I could be 100% honest with and trust and Calysta was just that. I also found great community and friendship within the team of amazing women and men she’s built! - Angie K.

The easiest choice I ever made was to start working with Calysta. My husband and I have always been active. The gym has always been a great part of our lives, but we felt like our knowledge in other areas like nutrition lacked big time. We have been on and off with ‘balanced’ eating for years. We have always tried our best to navigate healthy options for optimum results, but always had inconsistent gains. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?! This is not a story that hasn’t been told before. This is the reality for most people trying to work alone. We finally broke down and made the decision to get a coach. THE best decision we have ever made. Weekly accountability, nutrition education, mental and physical growth. We’ve gained much more than muscle with Calysta. Our weekly check-ins with her has kept us on track and excited for every single step of this process. I feel patience, understanding, support, and GENUINE CARE with this amazing woman! If you feel like you have tried and tried with your workouts or nutrition with less than satisfying results, PLEASE reach out. I will never regret investing in myself and my husband. Life is short. We want to make the best of it while still enjoying life! No crash dieting, no fad diets, no extreme restrictions – all purely balanced. We eat all of our favorite foods while still seeing progress! Make an easy choice and give a coach – the RIGHT coach – a chance. You will not regret it. - Anna & Trevor N.

“This is my official LAST checkin and I just wanted to give you a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart! The main thing I've gained from your program is a huge amount of self respect and self confidence, regardless of my size or weight. I knew I had the drive/discipline, but didn't have the framework or nutrition knowledge on my own to make physique changes happen. think every-time we checked in together over the course of 1.5 years I gained a little more self respect and confidence just knowing I stuck to plan as much as possible. The nutrition and training skills I've learned will stay with me forever, and I'm so damn grateful I came across your business that practices holistic health, balance, and sustainability. Working with you has been the best investment I've made in myself, and I can't thank you enough for simplifying this whole process. There is so much misinformation on social media and the internet that health and wellness can be so confusing to navigate on your own, so having your voice of reason over that past year and a half has been a life saver. I learned how to gain muscle, lose fat, navigate social events, indulge, and overall just enjoy life while being healthy mentally and physically!” - Annie L

In the past I’ve had a tendency to cut calories really low when I want to loose weight and then I end up gaining it all back after. I had never tracked my macros before because I thought it was hard. Now I’ve been consistently tracking for over 2 months and I feel empowered. I also feel much better in the gym. I’ve worked out for years and never felt like I really saw results, now I’m pushing myself to work out hard and consistently. I’m feeling strong and starting to see those results I actually want. THANK YOU!!! I appreciate the tools and encouragement you have given me, its truly been life changing. " -Mackenzie B.

Calysta taught me a lot when I started my journey as a lifestyle person with her. I didn’t look the greatest yet with her coaching she taught me how to count macros , held me accountable for check ins and support me on the rough weeks. Calysta is very detailed in her check in with you and does not just give you a cookie cutter plan she listens to the concerns and she made me learn how to be healthier and enjoy life." - Nina T.

I have been with Calysta a little over a year now! I found Calysta through insta from someone I had followed. I was in the process of looking for a competition coach & had already messaged a few other coaches before stumbling across Calysta’s page. Calysta was the first one to get back to me & after a day or so of giving it some thought, I officially hired my first coach…Calysta! Since being with Calysta & this team, I have learned SO much about myself & what my body is capable of. As someone who suffered through an eating disorder & looking at certain foods as “bad”, I’ve finally found freedom in getting to enjoy all types of foods (in moderation of course)! I’ve fallen for those lame diet fabs, and let me tell you, those aren’t it. I’ve tried everything to be “skinny” and it wasn’t until I hired Calysta that I truly found that balance. Working with her, I’ve also built a healthier relationship with food and learned how to control my hunger cues as well as myself when it comes to going out to eat or having snacks out. I can go on vacations with my fiancé & come back & not be stressed about what I ate or how much I weigh and what I need to do in order to lose all the weight I gained. I’ve finally separated myself from the scale and only weigh myself for check ins or when needed during prep. I’ve never felt so comfortable or confident in my body than I do now. This is truly the happiest I’ve ever been with myself and I cannot thank Calysta enough for all the help she has put in to make me feel good!  So here’s to the best coach & all that I’ve learned thus far. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for us! - Hayley B.

"Honestly, I've just been thinking about how much progress l've made in the past 6-7 months, and I'm so proud of myself! When I first started lifting I would have been way too intimidated to lift with all the dudes, but now it feels perfectly natural! Also, I feel perfectly confident to workout in shorts and a sports bra, and when I first started I would not have been confident enough in my body to do that. We're just getting started coach, but can't wait to see where this goes! :)" -Anna F.

"I can not say enough from what this program has meant to me! I used to afraid of food, eating out, enjoying date nights and just going to the gym. This program changed my life, how I look at food and of course the gym! Thank you for this program and all you do for me (and all your clients!). - Michelle L.

“I have worked with quite a few coaches before Calysta. Before I came to Calysta I was starting a prep on pretty low calories. Calysta immediately changed my macros and put me on a reverse diet. I was eating more calories and still dropping weight! When prep did finally start my body was responding tremendously to higher calories and 1 free meal a week! When covid hit and my shows were canceled/pushed back I mentally needed to step back and take a break. Calysta never pressured me to keep going, she understood and let me make the decision that was best for me. She’s been there every step of the way, during the good and the bad. I am so lucky to call her more than a coach. She is also a very great friend“ - Kristen P.

“I have had an absolute blast working with you (Calysta)!!! My first prep was amazing because of you. I didn’t hate it like I see so many fitness people do. Like I actually really enjoyed it.  I never missed fun life events. I went out with friends. I never stopped having fun just because I was in prep. I think it helps having such a great coach. You put so much time and effort into each and one of your clients. You actually cared! Each check in I was so excited to send to you and seeing my almost final look I couldn’t believe it!! Yes COVID took the stage away from me this year but next time I will be going on stage!! My reverse has gone well because of you too! Not having a gym hasn’t been ideal at all but you were always there for me when I needed you. I love that you give us your cell number too incase we need to text you because there’s definitely been times that I needed an extra push or have wanted to cry in the gym and you text me back ASAP!! Your communication is something I admire so much! That and your dedication to this sport. You’re always wanting to learn more and teach your clients. I can’t thank you enough calysta! you are the best coach and I can’t wait to work with you again sometime next year!!” - Kira S.

On being a new competitor working with Calysta: “I was a nervous wreck (as were most newbies) but I also knew what to expect and was well prepared. Calysta had so much going on with 6 new competitors all on stage the same day, plus she was handing out trophies and had her normal clients to support. She handled it all so gracefully. We had a fantastic makeup artist, the very best posing coach, her awesome assistant coach, plus a ton of amazing teammates all there to make sure we were prepared and on point to showcase our very best. I felt so bad for other competitors who were lost at what to do behind stage. They didn’t know when or what to eat, what to expect, etc. I was so thankful to be on such a well prepared team. The first class was scary but half way through, all of Calysta’s coaching came back to me and I started to have so much fun. I walked away with trophies in all three of my classes and qualified for nationals. I absolutely loved the experience and cannot wait to do my next show with Calysta in three weeks. I highly recommend anyone looking for a lifestyle or competition coach to check her out.” - Emily S.

"Thanks for everything you do! For real though, you really do give a safe space to vent out some of the thoughts/fears/concerns that I keep inside me, and some of them have been there for years. So thank you :)" - Jessica

"i can’t believe I’m saying this but i enjoy my upper body days more than my lower body days now!! Training upper body makes me feel so strong!" - Haleigh 


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